MRO Magazine

Parallel, angled, and radial grippers

November 15, 2023 | By MRO Staff

Photo: Festo

Festo compact grippers include DHPC parallel gripper which offers ≤ 0.01 millimetre repetition accuracy, its variants, DHWC angle and DHRC radial gripper – offer ≤ 0.2 mm accuracy. The DHPC, DHWC, and DHRC are interchangeable with competitive grippers. They have a smaller size, higher grip force, long service life, and better precision.

DHPC and its variants give the machine builder and end-use customer wide latitude in mounting options and both T- and C-slots for sensors. There are three air supply location options, two extra finger designs, and long stroke and dust cover units.

Gripper fingers are hardened for long wear and low deformation. Positioning pin holes ensure that replacement grippers are mounted correctly. Double-acting, single-acting, normally open, and normally closed variants are available.




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