MRO Magazine

Laser shaft alignment system handles offset shafts

The Fixturlaser XA laser shaft alignment system can be equipped with hardware and software for the precise alignment of offset (Cardan) shafts. The OffsetXA expansion kit includes fixtures, plus softw...

February 1, 2008 | By MRO Magazine

The Fixturlaser XA laser shaft alignment system can be equipped with hardware and software for the precise alignment of offset (Cardan) shafts. The OffsetXA expansion kit includes fixtures, plus software that takes advantage of the XA’s Flash-based animated graphics, which walk the user through the offset shaft alignment procedure. Using the XA together with the offset expansion kit allows the user to precision-align any offset mounted machine as fast as any other shafts. As the OffsetXA is equipped with a laser pointer, the alignment system is not needed in order to mount the fixtures. They only have to be adjusted until both the lasers hit the centre of the opposing target. Services Techniques Claude Drouin (STCD)


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