MRO Magazine

Virtual Event
Max Uptime
May 26, 2022 at 1:00pm ET

2:40pm - 3:20 pm
How Robotics is Changing Food

Speaker: Jim Beretta, Canadian Food Innovation Network

The Canadian Food Innovation Network recently commissioned a project: Robotics in Action, Seeing is Believing. Designed to inspire food business leaders by showing them how leading edge companies are  using automation and ingenuity to improve business outcomes, the event led to many learnings for both CFIN and event co-producer Jim Beretta.

Today’s presentation tells the story of how savvy Operations teams can integrate technology into their plants to achieve efficiency and open up new business opportunities for their organizations. Our speaker, Jim Beretta will talk about how research, automation, and data are driving food industry 4.0 to ignite your innovative spirit to be prepared for to fulfill the needs of your foodservice and grocery customers.


Photo: CFIN

Jim Beretta is president at Customer Attraction industrial marketing based out of London, Ontario. He has been an application engineer, in automation sales and in corporate marketing for large systems integrator, for most of his 16 years in the automation industry.

For the last 12 years Jim has been an independent marketing strategist focused on the automation, robotics and advanced manufacturing industry. Jim has been instrumental in helping plan and deliver webinar content to over 40,000 webinar attendees over the past few years and is head podcaster at The Robot Industry Podcast, heard in over 60 countries.

For the Canadian Food Innovation Network, Jim is a member and partner, creating content and representing CFIN at various events, webinars and shows including the highly acclaimed Robotics In Action #CFINLive Experience that highlighted the value of robotics in the food business.