The Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals Certifying Organization (SMRPCO) is updating the Certified Maintenance & Reliability Technician (CMRT) exam, with the modified exam, effective August 5.
The exam changes mirror how the jobs of maintenance and reliability technicians have changed in recent years and predictions for future advancements.
“As the maintenance and reliability profession progresses, our exams must adjust accordingly,” said Jane Robles, Executive Director, SMRPCO. “The CMRT is currently the top credential for validating the knowledge, skills and abilities of maintenance and reliability technicians, and we strive to keep that place of honor and trust. To do so, the exam will now more accurately reflect what technicians need to know today and in the future.”
SMRPCO is seeking ANAB 17024 accreditation for the CMRT, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining exam material relevance. Updating the CMRT exam ensures that it is a fair, valid and reliable assessment, which can be recognized by a third party with accreditation.